Introduction to Membrane housing subassembly

Pressure withstood plate made of aluminum
material: aluminum alloy

Subassembly at water inlet and water outlet    
material:  316 stainless steel

Three-point fixed type retaining ring         
material:zinc alloy

Fastened nut at outlet of purified water 
material: ABS

Deal plate
4End subassembly


Seal part at head
material: high-class silicone rubber

4end locking plate
material: 304 stainless steel

Outlet of pure water 
material: ABS
Joint of adaptor
material: ABS
Hoop strip
material: 304 stainless steel

Trust ring
material: ABS

Subassembly at water inlet and water outlet 
material: 316 stainless steel

Assembling and disassembling tool 
material: 45#